- SINEBank, the bank of consensus sequences of SINE families in FASTA format. The source of the sequence is specified in square brackets followed by the taxonomic distribution of the element. In rare cases, subfamily consensus sequences are given (when length difference is great). Right click or option-click the link and choose "Save As..." to download this file or click the link to show it in this window. Note that individual family sequences can be accessed from the SINE Table by clicking the SINE family name.
- COREBank, the bank of consensus sequences of CORE and similar domains (CORE, Deu-, V-, Ceph-, α-, and β-domains). The source of the sequence is specified in square brackets. Right click or option-click the link and choose "Save As..." to download this file or click the link to show it in this window.
- LINEBank, the bank of SINE consensus sequences derived from partner LINEs. The source of the sequence is specified in square brackets. Right click or option-click the link and choose "Save As..." to download this file or click the link to show it in this window.